I don’t know if this is related to Phaser.GameObjects.Light does not consider rotation of Phaser.GameObjects.Image with normal map which I also created a while back… I’m surprised that no one else is hitting these problems, maybe no one uses normal maps?
Anyway, I made a small test application to demonstrate this. You can view the very short code by looking at the page source. Note that you can click the mouse to toggle the light position linking to mouse position.
Using Phaser version 3.70.0 and 3.60.0 you can see the normal map is broken for some initial image rotation:
Using Phaser version 3.55.0 it works as expected:
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Created issue in github with more info:
opened 12:16AM - 06 Jan 24 UTC
## Version
Enter the version of Phaser you're using. You can find this ou… tput to the Dev Tools console in your browser.
* Phaser Version: 3.60.0 and 3.70.0
Place the operating system **below** this comment.
* Operating system: windows (or any)
If the bug is browser specific, please enter the version **below** this comment:
* Browser: chrome/edge (or any)
## Description
I don’t know if this is related to [Phaser.GameObjects.Light does not consider rotation of Phaser.GameObjects.Image with normal map](https://phaser.discourse.group/t/phaser-gameobjects-light-does-not-consider-rotation-of-phaser-gameobjects-image-with-normal-map/9394) which I also created a while back.
Anyway, I made a small test application to demonstrate this. You can view the very short code by looking at the page source. Note that you can click the mouse to toggle the light position linking to mouse position.
Using Phaser version 3.70.0 and 3.60.0 you can see the normal map is broken for some initial image rotation:
Using Phaser version 3.55.0 it works as expected:
## Example Test Code
## Additional Information