I’m getting an odd intermittent exception during a Text.setText call triggered by an EventEmitter.emit call. It’s happens relatively frequently, but is hard to pinpoint exactly what combination of events is causing it to happen. I’ll poke at it more to see if I can produce a small code sample that reproduces it reliably, but meanwhile anyone seen this error thrown from Text.setText? Currently I just catch the exception and move on and things seem “ok”…
TypeError: Cannot read property 'glTexture' of null
at Text.updateText (phaser.js:57979)
at Text.setText (phaser.js:57309)
at TownHall.<anonymous> (buildings.js:62)
at EventEmitter.emit (phaser.js:1926)
at TownHall.heal (living_common.js:78)
at Heal.heal (tasks.js:56)
at Heal.<anonymous> (tasks.js:51)
at World.collideSpriteVsSprite (phaser.js:124740)
at World.collideHandler (phaser.js:124669)
at World.collideObjects (phaser.js:124579)