Oversized Tile Frame Origin Point while Rendering a Tiled Tilemap


I’m trying to render a tilemap made with Tiled, which consists of multiple layers and tilesets.
Some tilesets contain tiles that are larger than the base tile size, e.g.:

  • base tile size is 64x32 px
  • tileset individual frame size can be 384x384 px or other sizes

The map renders correctly and without any errors, however, the larger tiles appear in the “wrong” position. The reason for this seems to be that Tiled aligns larger frames at the bottom-left, while Phaser naturally renders them from top-left.

If this was a simple Image or Spritesheet object it could be fixed via setOrigin() - but not in this case, since the tileset is rendered using Frames and there seems to be no control over how these are rendered when the layer is created.

I’m interested in any solution to this that can be used to make the individual frame tiles render with the bottom-left as the origin point - or any custom origin point for that matter.