Phaser 3 loads warped versions of images, then pretends they don't exist

I have been trying to get my Phaser program to load images, but even when hosting on a web server, images load as green boxes. The image requests return status 200, no image-related errors appear, and the web browsers in the network tab shows weird versions of the images with either no visible pixels or 1-2 pixels with a random color. The source for the game so far is available at

You load images in the preload function, then add images in the create funciton. this.load.image(“name” , “where/file/isLocated.png”); and then add like this… this.add.image(x, y, “key”)

Moving the image load statements to preload doesn’t seem to make much of a difference. Still not loading my images into the game.


It works for me.

Are you still getting the green slash missing texture?