Phaser 3 not working at IE?

Hi there, i’d been trying my game on different browser, everything works fine, until i test it on IE, the canvas doesnt come out, no error, nothing. Any idea?

Which version of IE? What errors do you get in the console?

Hi @eclipse,
Phaser 3.17 uses at least arrow functions (ES6 syntax), which is not supported by IE.
You can check it by looking at the console errors.



The console shows SCRIPT1002: Syntax error, phaser.min.js (1,342930)

I’m using Phaser v3.17.0

So i guess there’s nothing much I can do about it? And i’m also facing some problem too while using Microsoft Edge… Is this due to similar problem?

3.17 has an issue in it that stopped it running in IE11 (although it works fine in Edge), 3.18 (beta 1 is on npm) fixes that, or 3.16 will work fine too.

I see, thanks!

At Microsoft Edge, i’m getting “SCRIPT5007: Unable to get property ‘pause’ of undefined or null reference”. May I know is this due to 3.17 too?

Turn out it is cause by switching from web audio to html5 audio. :stuck_out_tongue: