Phaser Can't Find/Load My Assets and Spreadsheets [HELP]

I’m trying to add sprites from a sprite sheet but the assets won’t load. I’ve attached my code and the console logs below that show the error. I’ve also attached the file to show that my file location seems to be correct. I’m not sure what the issue is any help would be greatly appreciated.


Your paths look wrong from the screen shots. The files are in src/assets but preload is trying to get them from unknown folders. This is because you’re importing the assets and expecting those imported files to be able to be passed to the preload calls, but this won’t work. You need to remove the import statements and just give the proper url to the loader (i.e. assets/white.png etc)

console.log(backgroundImg, buttonImg, whiteDogSprite, greyDogSprite);

If those look correct then you need to use them unquoted:

this.load.spritesheet('whiteDog', whiteDogSprite, 30, 30, 36);
// etc.

Saw a tutorial using imports but when I directly quoted the path rather than using imports it solved my problem, thanks!