Phaser on Node.js (new version)

Both, you can put each new phaser instance in a map, each instance holding multiple players in a map.

I have. Currently, it uses a relatively slow WebRTC implementation. But hopefully, this will change in the next version. (see this issue)

I haven’t done that many tests yet. I would wait for version 2.

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I got this error: Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open ‘C:\Game Dev\RockRun\\phaser-on-nodejs\lib\https:\\api\v1.0\game\score\update’ when I use Axios to call API to URL: https:\\api\v1.0\game\score\update’ inside the game. Please help me fix this

@yannick Hey bro! why it library used “chromium” when install? phaser run on node-chrominum? or for what