[Phaser3] Fire overlap just once - dragable objects

Hi I, use this for dragable objects:

this.physics.add.overlap(rec, puzzleGroup, overlap,null,this);

I have the problem that it is firing continuously.

What do I have to do to make it firing just once so a variable is set true if the Element is over the sprite and if it’s not above the sprite the variable set to false.

Thanks for feedback!

There are events DRAG_ENTER or GAMEOBJECT_DRAG_ENTER for these things (no physics).

Hi instead of using physics I used if(Phaser.Geom.Intersects.RectangleToRectangle(boundsA, boundsB) ){}

This is all I need.

So if someone looks for this I post a solution. Drag and drop overlap and magnetic behaviour.

If the puzzle tile is draged over a rectangle it will be moved to the rectangles coordinates with a tween.
The function checks the overlapping parts looks for the nearest rectangle and moves it to its place.

rec = [];
rec[0] = this.add.rectangle(600, 350, 148, 148, 0x6666ff);
rec[1] = this.add.rectangle(400, 450, 148, 148, 0x666600);
var that = this;
  this.input.on('dragend', function (pointer, gameObject) {

            var listOfCo = [];
            var listOfPushXY = [];
            var diagonale = [];
            var nearestPieceIndex;

            for (i = 0; i < rec.length; i++) {

                var boundsA = gameObject.getBounds();
                var boundsB = rec[i].getBounds();

                if (Phaser.Geom.Intersects.RectangleToRectangle(boundsA, boundsB)) {

                    var x = rec[i].x;
                    var y = rec[i].y;
                    var axisX = x - gameObject.x;
                    var axisY = y - gameObject.y;

                    var pushPair = [];
                    var pushDif = [];

                    pushPair.push(x, y);
                    pushDif.push(axisX, axisY);

                    var d = Math.sqrt(axisX * axisX + axisY * axisY);
            var smallestD = Math.min(...diagonale);

            for (z = 0; z < listOfCo.length; z++) {
                var x = listOfCo[z][0];
                var y = listOfCo[z][1];
                var d = Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y);
                if (smallestD === d) {
                    nearestPieceIndex = z;
            if (listOfCo.length > 0) {

                moveToRecTween = that.tweens.add({
                    targets: gameObject,
                    x: listOfPushXY[nearestPieceIndex][0],
                    y: listOfPushXY[nearestPieceIndex][1],
                    delay: 0,
                    duration: 100
                });                  //gameObject.disableInteractive();