Pixel art: WebGL vs Canvas?

I’m creating a pixel art game and I’ve noticed that when using type.WEBGL, 1px sometimes ends up rendered in 2px. In type.CANVAS, this doesn’t happen. 1px is always 1px and therefore it looks much better and also animates smoother. At least in Firefox. In Chrome, there‘s no difference (1px is sometimes 2px) whereas in Safari, 1px end up blurry.

Are there any drawbacks in using type.CANVAS? Any features I can’t use?
I couldn’t find any docs apart from “If your browser doesn’t support WebGL”…

To illustrate the effect, I drawed two red lines with 1px width each. The same also happens with imported sprites.

Bildschirmfoto 2023-04-07 um 14.53.04

Bildschirmfoto 2023-04-07 um 14.53.12

Are you using Scale Manager zoom or scaling?

With the Canvas renderer there’s no tinting, shader effects, or certain game objects (9-slice, mesh).

Since I don’t know Scale Manager, I’m probably not using it. I’ve also noticed that each browser has slightly different rendering results (regardless of Canvas or WebGL).

Thanks for pointing out what I’m about to lose if I stick with Canvas.

I hope WebGPU will provide more consistent results.

Also, which kind of game object is it?