Pixel imperfections at some resolutions

I sometimes find off-by-one pixel errors when rendering my animations from spritesheets or when rendering my tilemaps.

They appear to be a slightly opaque version of the pixel that was one pixel over from the edge of my frame.

Tampering with the resolution of browser and reloading the canvas generally fixes this problem. Per the example below, I changed nothing in my code in the before and after, I simply just scaled by browser a bit and refreshed.

Is there something wrong with my configuration that could be causing this issue.

My config contains the following:

scale: {
  zoom: GAME_ZOOM,
  width: document.documentElement.clientWidth / GAME_ZOOM,
  height: document.documentElement.clientHeight / GAME_ZOOM,
type: Phaser.WEBGL,
pixelArt: true,
roundPixels: false,
antialias: false,

I should probably round my height and width to the nearest number divisible by the zoom value