Pixel error / flicker effect on mobile browser

Hi there,

if got some strange pixel erros on my mobile device if i acces my game.

Here is a screenshot of the pixel errors ( this button is a container with 2 images on left / right and in mid a tilesprite. it seems like the tilesprite having this error… )


And here is a screen recording that shows the pixel flicker effect on a other tilesprite… (hope video is playable):

What is causing this behavior? Some sort of scaling issue?
Mobile device is a android Mi9 with Chrome browser

Thx a lot!

You might add an issue for that, especially if you can make a test case.

Hi samme,

i was able to reproduce the behavior in this small fiddle:

Use this link on a mobile phone to eliminate the jsfiddle gui:

The problem occures on my mobile devices as soon as the background is visible.
The button in the dialog starts flickering on the right side with some blue pixels…

So it seems to me like some sort of overlapping / rendering problem… :frowning:

How to fix this?


I’ve just added a fullscreen toggle button, but it seems not to work on mobile -.-…

Is it


Oh great! Thx. This seems to be the correct problem :slight_smile:
And as mentioned: with “CANVAS” rendering the error is gone:
