Pixelated fonts you could share?

hello, I am looking for some pixelated fonts I could use for phaser. Preferably an xml and png for bitmap text. if you could share your fonts that would be great.

you can use the up arrow on the top of your draft to upload files. thanks a lot!

There are enough places on the Internet where you can download pixel fonts for free, for example, on: https://itch.io or https://opengameart.org

this one works great, i visited it before but i didnt realize I had to unzip the file.
pixel font on itch.io

You can make bitmap fonts from ttf yourself https://snowb.org
You can also try to assemble using this tool https://renderhjs.net/shoebox

thanks a lot for that extra information

You can download the *.ttf font file as easily as any other asset using my plugin.