Play a Spine animation once then return to a default animation in phaser?

Hero in Parallax

I have not been able to find a solution to this, hoping someone can provide some insight into how:

To change a spine game objects animations:

  • play an idle animation, an aircraft hovering in idle by default,
  • then once a key is pressed,
  • play a second animation,
  • of an animation of an aircraft delivering a pizza
  • then once this animation is completed
  • return to the idle animation

I’ve set the spine game object within a spine container, and it is already responding to key A for idle and key C for cargo. I have tried to utilize the functions of the spine plugin / spine runtime for setMix() where I have listed animation1 and animation2

   setMix(Idle, Deliver, 1.5)
   setMix(Deliver, Idle, 1.5)

However, the aircraft will only idle or deliver with key C and A pressed

I currently looking over the documentation from esoteric software, to see how I can apply the logic:

And I relied heavily on this currently available demonstration to change the animations manually:

There is one person who demonstrated the usage of playing animations by referencing a JSON file with sprite sheets:

If there’s anyone who can assist with how they were able to perform track entries, setMix() and handle animation states, functions associated with the Phaser Spine runtime, to play animations in a certain sequence that would be extremely helpful.

I am a student who is creating a web application for my final project for CS50x, my work can be seen here:

Best regards,

Coffee Is the Path to Victory

I think'pizza').chain('idle') can do this.

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Hi samme thanks I will try this. Thanks in advanced if this works. (crossing fingers)

Hi samme thank you very much, I was finally able to make the second animation play after three days of trying everything. You are a lifesaver…

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