Polygon and wrong hitArea

I’m trying to create a GameObject represented as a polygon, and I want to highlight it on mouse-over. I tried this:

    var points = [-50, -50, 0, -50, 50, 0, 0, 50, -50, 50]
    var pl = scene.add.polygon(400, 1200, points, 0xFF0000)
    pl.setInteractive(pl.points, Phaser.Geom.Polygon.Contains)
    pl.on(Phaser.Input.Events.GAMEOBJECT_POINTER_OVER, function(){pl.fillColor = 0xFF6060} , this)
    pl.on(Phaser.Input.Events.GAMEOBJECT_POINTER_OUT, function(){pl.fillColor = 0xFF0000}, this)
    scene.input.enableDebug(pl, 0xff00ff)

However, I see the debug is showing me the hit area is actually a rectangle with the upper right corner at coordinate (0, 0, w=100, h=100). I tried playing with setOrigin on the polygon, but it shift both the filled polygon and the hit area.

  1. How do I center the hit area around my polygon?
  2. why is the hit area not reflecting the shape of the polygon (i.e. is rectangular)?

The Shape game objects (in this case, Phaser.GameObjects.Polygon) are not equivalent to the logical geometry objects (Phaser.Geom.Polygon). Your callback, Phaser.Geom.Polygon.Contains, expects a logical polygon object, not a set of points. Moreover, Shape game objects don’t have a points property. As a result, you’re passing undefined as the shape, so Phaser defaults to a rectangle and ignores the callback.

Replace pl.points with pl.geom. In a more complicated scenario, like in this example, you can also create a Phaser.Geom.Polygon yourself.

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Thank you Telinc1, that worked!