Scale / Zoom

Hi, I am struggling with the zooming, so i decided to scale certain layers, but when scaling the map does not show fully, so I have to add the exact number of pixels, is there a way of doing this in an automated way? Or If zooming the camera allow to create a “menu with rectangles that are not included in the zoom?”

create: function(){
this.test = 3200;
//criar mundo do jogo
var map = this.make.tilemap({key: ‘map’});

    //obter o nome de um tileset chamado spritesheet dentro do json
    var tiles = map.addTilesetImage('TiledMap', 'tiles', 16, 16);

    //var obter a layer "Oceano" e adicionar ao mapa
    var oceano = map.createLayer('Oceano', tiles, 0, 0).setScale(3);

    //var obter a layer "Areia" e adicionar ao mapa
    this.areia = map.createLayer('Areia', tiles, 0, 0).setScale(3);

    //var para criar a barreira com tiles invisiveis para filtrar a posição do lixo
   // var barrier = mapa.createLayer('barrier', tiles, 0, 0);

    //obter a layer dos obstaculos
    this.obstaculos = map.createLayer('Obstaculos', tiles, 0, 0).setScale(3);

    //obstaculos estarão disponoveis para colisão
    this.areia.setCollisionByExclusion( [ -1 ] );
    this.obstaculos.setCollisionByExclusion( [ -1 ] );

    //adicionar frames do player
    this.player = this.physics.add.sprite(80, 80, 'player', 6).setScale(1);

    //limitar movimento do player á area de jogo = map.widthInPixels + this.test; = map.heightInPixels + this.test;

    // input do teclado
    this.cursors = this.input.keyboard.createCursorKeys();

    //camara a seguir o player
    this.cameras.main.setBounds(0, 0, map.widthInPixels + this.test, map.heightInPixels + this.test);