Zoom in one scene only

HI, since i can´t find a solution to the pixelated art when zooming or scaling, is there a way to make the image bigger? like zooming only some parts of the tiles or a certain scene, or a certain layer, etc…
My game have a menu and the game play, and with this I have tiles with 16 vs 16, if i dont use zoom the game looks to small, but if i use it looks like this: Solutions?

scene code:
var WorldScene = new Phaser.Class({

Extends : Phaser.Scene,

initialize :

 function CenaMundo(){

     Phaser.Scene.call(this, {key :'WorldScene'});


 preload: function(){

     //Vazio, pode -se dar preload, mas não é necessário colocar


 create: function(){

    this.trashNumber = 0;

    //criar mundo do jogo

    var mapa = this.make.tilemap({key: 'map'});


    //obter o nome de um tileset chamado spritesheet dentro do json

    var tiles = mapa.addTilesetImage('TiledMap', 'tiles', 16, 16);

    //var obter a layer "Oceano" e adicionar ao mapa

    var oceano = mapa.createLayer('Oceano', tiles, 0, 0);

    //var obter a layer "Areia" e adicionar ao mapa

    var areia = mapa.createLayer('Areia', tiles, 0, 0);

    //var para criar a barreira com tiles invisiveis para filtrar a posição do lixo

   // var barrier = mapa.createLayer('barrier', tiles, 0, 0);

    //obter a layer dos obstaculos

    var obstaculos = mapa.createLayer('Obstaculos', tiles, 0, 0);


    //obstaculos estarão disponoveis para colisão

    areia.setCollisionByExclusion( [ -1 ] );

    obstaculos.setCollisionByExclusion( [ -1 ] );

    //adicionar frames do player

    this.player = this.physics.add.sprite(50, 100, 'player', 6);

    //limitar movimento do player á area de jogo

    this.physics.world.bounds.width = mapa.widthInPixels;

    this.physics.world.bounds.height = mapa.heightInPixels;


    // input do teclado

    this.cursors = this.input.keyboard.createCursorKeys();

    //camara a seguir o player

    this.cameras.main.setBounds(0, 0, mapa.widthInPixels, mapa.heightInPixels);



    //Adicção da colision com uma layer

    this.physics.add.collider(this.player, areia);

    //Adicção da colision com uma layer

    this.physics.add.collider(this.player, obstaculos);


    //animação do player

    //esquerda e direita


        key: 'esquerdaDireita',

        frames: this.anims.generateFrameNumbers('player',

                                                {frames: [1, 7, 1, 13]}),

        frameRate: 10,

        repeat: -1,



    //andar para cima


        key: 'up',

        frames: this.anims.generateFrameNumbers('player',

                                                {frames: [2, 8, 2, 14]}),

        frameRate: 10,

        repeat: -1,


    //andar para baixo


        key: 'down',

        frames: this.anims.generateFrameNumbers('player',

                                                {frames: [0, 6, 0, 12]}),

        frameRate: 10,

        repeat: -1,


    //criar 50 zonas de objetos

    this.objects = this.physics.add.group({

        classType: Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite


    for(var i = 0; i<50; i++){

        var x = Phaser.Math.RND.between(0, this.physics.world.bounds.width - 100);

        var y = Phaser.Math.RND.between(0, this.physics.world.bounds.height - 100);

        //if para evitar criar objetos na areia e nos obstaculos

        if(!obstaculos.getTileAtWorldXY(x, y) && !areia.getTileAtWorldXY(x, y)){

            this.objects.create(x, y, this.getObjectSprite());


            console.log('nop-object', x, y);




    this.physics.add.overlap(this.player, this.objects, this.colisionObjects, false, this);

        //criar 10 zonas de lixo

        this.trash = this.physics.add.group({

            classType: Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite


        for(var i = 0; i<10; i++){

            var x = Phaser.Math.RND.between(100, this.physics.world.bounds.width - 100);

            var y = Phaser.Math.RND.between(100, this.physics.world.bounds.height - 100);

            //if para evitar criar objetos na areia e nos obstaculos

            if(!obstaculos.getTileAtWorldXY(x, y) && !areia.getTileAtWorldXY(x, y)){

                this.trash.create(x, y, this.getTrashSprite());


                console.log('nop-trash', x, y);




     this.physics.add.overlap(this.player, this.trash, this.colisionObjectTrash, false, this);

    //  var particles = this.add.particles('water1');

    //  var particles = this.add.particles('water2');

    //  var particles = this.add.particles('water3');

    //  var particles = this.add.particles('water4');

    //  var water1 = particles.createEmitter();


    //  water1.setPosition(200, 20);

    //  water1.setSpeed(200);


       //Dados do jogador

       this.add.rectangle(game.scale.width /2, 0, game.scale.width, 60, 0x000000 , 0.7).setScrollFactor(0);

       this.add.rectangle(game.scale.width /2, game.scale.height, game.scale.width, 60, 0x000000 , 0.7).setScrollFactor(0);

       this.trashText = this.add.text(game.scale.width /2 - 100, 10, "Trash Collected = " + this.trashNumber, {fill: '#ffffff' }).setScrollFactor(0);



        var sprites = ['bag', 'battery', 'bigcan', 'bottle', 'can', 'cola', 'elttob', 'jar', 'large', 'milk', 'phone', 'spray', 'squezed'];

        return sprites[Math.floor(Math.random() * sprites.length)];



    var sprites = ['trash'];

    return sprites;


colisionObjects: function(player, zona){

    zona.y= Phaser.Math.RND.between(0, this.physics.world.bounds.width);

    zona.y = Phaser.Math.RND.between(0, this.physics.world.bounds.height);




    this.trashNumber = this.trashNumber + 1;


colisionObjectTrash: function(player, zona){

    zona.y= Phaser.Math.RND.between(0, this.physics.world.bounds.width);

    zona.y = Phaser.Math.RND.between(0, this.physics.world.bounds.height);




    this.trashNumber = this.trashNumber + 5;


 update: function(){

    this.trashText.setText("Trash Collected = "  + this.trashNumber);



    //movimento horizontal




    }else if(this.cursors.right.isDown){



     //movimento vertical



    }else if(this.cursors.down.isDown){






        this.player.anims.play('esquerdaDireita', true);

        this.player.flipX = true;

    }else if(this.cursors.right.isDown){

        this.player.anims.play('esquerdaDireita', true);

        this.player.flipX = false;

    }else if(this.cursors.up.isDown){


        this.player.anims.play('up', true);

    }else if(this.cursors.down.isDown){

        this.player.anims.play('down', true);





You can either scale a game object, zoom a camera (there’s one camera per scene by default), or scale the whole game.

Well i used zoom to scale whole game, but phaser does not like it. Makes everything with really bad quality.

I am scalling everything one by one then, thanks I guess