Make only a part of scene zoomable and draggable

I have a windowed game where only 800x600 part of the screen is zoomable and draggable in these bounds. I solved this by using a second camera and setting viewport.

But If I create a sprite above this zoomed part, these sprites are also affected by the second camera’s zoom. Can you offer me a better design for this special part of the screen? Maybe using the scaling of sprite instead of using a second camera?

this.mapCamera =, 0, 800, 600);
this.mapCamera.setBounds(0, 0, 800, 600);
this.zoomLevel = 2;
this.mapCamera.centerOn(300, 400);, (pointer) => {
	this.mapCamera.scrollX -= (pointer.x - pointer.prevPosition.x) / this.zoomLevel;
	this.mapCamera.scrollY -= (pointer.y - pointer.prevPosition.y) / this.zoomLevel;
});, async (pointer, currentlyOver, deltaX, deltaY, deltaZ) => {
	if (deltaY) {
		this.zoomLevel /= 2;
		this.mapCamera.pan(x, y, 360, 'Power2');
		this.mapCamera.zoomTo(this.zoomLevel, 400);

	if (deltaY < 0 && !this.zoomInProgress) {
		this.zoomLevel *= 2;
		this.mapCamera.pan(x, y, 360, 'Power2');
		this.mapCamera.zoomTo(this.zoomLevel, 400);

With multiple cameras, you probably want to use ignore() to allocate game objects to one camera or the other.

Do you think launching another scene and making its camera’s viewport 800x600 is a better option?

That would be fine, yes.