I have a windowed game where only 800x600 part of the screen is zoomable and draggable in these bounds. I solved this by using a second camera and setting viewport.
But If I create a sprite above this zoomed part, these sprites are also affected by the second camera’s zoom. Can you offer me a better design for this special part of the screen? Maybe using the scaling of sprite instead of using a second camera?
this.mapCamera = this.world.scene.cameras.add(0, 0, 800, 600);
this.mapCamera.setBounds(0, 0, 800, 600);
this.zoomLevel = 2;
this.mapCamera.centerOn(300, 400);
this.world.mapSprite.on(Phaser.Input.Events.GAMEOBJECT_POINTER_MOVE, (pointer) => {
this.mapCamera.scrollX -= (pointer.x - pointer.prevPosition.x) / this.zoomLevel;
this.mapCamera.scrollY -= (pointer.y - pointer.prevPosition.y) / this.zoomLevel;
this.world.scene.input.on(Phaser.Input.Events.POINTER_WHEEL, async (pointer, currentlyOver, deltaX, deltaY, deltaZ) => {
if (deltaY) {
this.zoomLevel /= 2;
this.mapCamera.pan(x, y, 360, 'Power2');
this.mapCamera.zoomTo(this.zoomLevel, 400);
if (deltaY < 0 && !this.zoomInProgress) {
this.zoomLevel *= 2;
this.mapCamera.pan(x, y, 360, 'Power2');
this.mapCamera.zoomTo(this.zoomLevel, 400);