Should I use Phaser 2+Box2D or Phaser 3+Matter?

I tried to use Matter.js build a simple plaltformer game.
and see Modular Game Worlds in Phaser 3 (Tilemaps #5) — Matter Physics Platformer for reference.

Maybe I am super stupid.
I think Matter.js is hard and confuse…

Box2D is easy to handle collision detection and set Collision Filter of object

about when the object stay on the Slope.
Box2D is very very easy to handle when the object on the slope platform


about Matter.js , I need to hardcode to set the object setVelocityY(0) ,setVelocityX(0) ,setIgnoreGravity(true)

Maybe I am stupid, I think Box2D is better than Matter, the code is easy to handle.
Am I rubbish ??