Texture atlas : anim issue with generateFrameNumbers

Hi there,

I created a texture atlas with different characters sprites for my game. One of the character has two sprites for walking, named “player_walk1.png” and “player_walk2.png”.

Here’s my code for loading the texture atlas (in preload) :
this.load.atlas('my_sprites','assets/my_sprites.png', 'assets/my_sprites.json');

Her’es my code for adding the player :
this.player = this.add.sprite(200, 470, 'my_sprites','player_stop.png');

And here’s my animation
this.anims.create({ key: 'left', frames: this.anims.generateFrameNumbers('my_sprites', {prefix:'player_walk', start: 1, end: 2 }), frameRate: 10, repeat: -1 });

When I call this animation with my cursors in the update, I got this error message in the console

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘frame’ of undefined

I think I’m miswriting the this.anims.generateFrameNumbers. Any help for a quick fix or maybe a link to a good example? :slight_smile:

Many thanks for your help!

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Based on the docs, generateFrameNumbers does not take prefix as an option, but the GenerateFrameNames does.



One point for you!
It doesn’t looks to solve the issue though.Same error message :frowning:

Maybe try to add

suffix: '.png'
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Here’s the valid code :

    key: 'right',
    frames: this.anims.generateFrameNames('my_sprites', {prefix:'player_walk', start: 1, end: 2, suffix:'.png' }),
    frameRate: 10,
    repeat: -1

Niice. Glad I could help :smile:

By the way, I do have a side question. If it looks more complex, I’ll create a specific post.

What if I want to create an animation (going left) with the same sprites flipped? Should I add them reversed in the Texture atlas or is there an easy way to reuse them?

You can use the same animation and just flip the player.

this.player.setFlipX(true OR false)

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Awesome, thanks Yannick! :slight_smile:

You’re welcome!

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I spent much more time on this error than I’d like to admit, so I hope I will at least help some lost dev that ends up here. The problem was that I had frame instead of frames in animation config.