Texture compression

Hello, how can i load a normal map with the new texture compression API from 3.60.0 ?


        this.load.texture('test', {
            'ASTC': { type: 'PVR', textureURL: `${path}/textures-astc-4x4.pvr`, atlasURL: `${path}/textures.json` },
            'PVRTC': { type: 'PVR', textureURL: `${path}/textures-pvrtc-4bpp-rgba.pvr`, atlasURL: `${path}/textures-pvrtc-4bpp-rgba.json` },
            'S3TC': { type: 'PVR', textureURL: `${path}/textures-dxt5.pvr`, atlasURL: `${path}/textures-dxt5.json` },
            'IMG': { textureURL: `${path}/textures.png`, atlasURL: `${path}/textures.json` }

I didn’t see any possibilities after checking the source code, i’m wrong or it will be add later maybe ?

I don’t see any.