Tilesprite from animated sprite

Does anybody have an example of tilesprite from animated sprite like the one for Phaser 2 with rolling waves. Don’t know how to translate it into Phaser three as the tilsprite class does not seem to have an animations property?

Link to Phaser 2 examples:

Yeah it’s odd. You can either animate manually with timer events and setFrame() or you can make a hidden sprite playing a real animation and then sync the tilesprite, also with setFrame().

Thank you for answering :slight_smile: Do you have an example of this?

Something like

let sprite, tileSprite;

function create () {
    sprite = this.add.sprite(/*…*/).setVisible(false).play('anim');
    tileSprite = this.add.tileSprite(/*…*/);

function update () {

Thank you! I will try and implement it :slight_smile: And it worked :slight_smile: