I loved geckosIO made by @yannick, and I saw a lot of problems that He mentioned about TCP protocol for multiplayer games. I’ve been made multiplayer games for over 14 years, and I think (if I remember correctly) that I always used TCP protocol, and I never had problems, I wanna see some opinions about using socket.io(TCP) instead of something like geckosIO for an action MMORPG for example, I’ve been using c++ , now typescript to make my back-end, and I always use approaches like “Authoritative Server” where the server calculates the important things and the client must be able to predict or continue the previous game state for a limited period into the future, and nagle’s algorithm for example. I think if we had a good architecture the protocol problem would be minimum. I love to hear more opinions about it.
in my mind I think the case:
MMORPG - socketIO
FPS shooter game - geckosIO
See you soon!