Please don’t use ids from React, Angular, Vue, etc, that’s not a good practice working with components and navigating between screens in any framework, check this WebComponent instead =>
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manipulating the DOM directly by using <div id="phaser"></div>
instead of using components with these frameworks 
Sorry for the late response. I know what you mean, but this does not apply to this example.
Maybe you did not go through the code. I do not manipulate <div id="phaser"></div>
from within a react app. Unlike you do in ion-phaser, I use a react instance inside a phaser scene, and use the react components as user UI for the phaser game.
So the main difference with ion-phaser and my example is, that my example is not a react app, its a phaser game written in typescript which uses react as a UI.
Please see the mainScene.tsx to see how it works.