Is it possible to ignore the Virtual Keyboard when scaling using the ScaleManager?
When the Keyboard opens, the height of the canvas shrinks to the remaining space above the Keyboard. Is it possible to prevent this?
I’m using it like this
const config = {
parent: 'phaser',
scale: {
mode: Phaser.Scale.FIT,
autoCenter: Phaser.Scale.CENTER_BOTH,
width: 1280,
height: 720
// ...
This is the example and its source code.
And a screenshot
I have found a solution by scaling the game manually, checking which is the activeElement and adjusting the overflowY accordingly.
If someone has a better solution, do not hesitate to post is 
This is how it looks now:
// scale phaser
const scalePhaser = () => {
const w = window.innerWidth
const h = window.innerHeight
const defaultWidth = +this.sys.game.config.width
const defaultHeight = +this.sys.game.config.height
const scale = Math.min(w / defaultWidth, h / defaultHeight)
const width = defaultWidth * scale
const height = defaultHeight * scale
this.game.canvas.style.width = width + 'px'
this.game.canvas.style.height = height + 'px'
this.game.canvas.style.marginTop = `${(h - height) / 2}px`
this.game.canvas.style.marginLeft = `${(w - width) / 2}px`
// scale react
const scaleReact = () => {
let scale = this.game.scale.displaySize.width / this.game.scale.gameSize.width
let react = document.getElementById('react')
if (react) {
react.style.zoom = `${scale}`
react.style.top = this.game.canvas.offsetTop / scale + 'px'
react.style.left = this.game.canvas.offsetLeft / scale + 'px'
react.style.height = this.cameras.main.displayHeight + 'px'
react.style.width = this.cameras.main.displayWidth + 'px'
// initial phaser scale
// initialize react
let react = document.getElementById('react')
if (react) {
react.style.position = 'absolute'
react.style.userSelect = 'none'
render(<App />, react)
this.scale.on('resize', () => {
let body = document.getElementById('body')
if (!body) return
// if the activeElement is not the body
// the keyboard is probably open
// means we do not scale
// and set the overflow-y to auto
if (document.activeElement && document.activeElement.tagName !== 'BODY') {
body.style.overflowY = 'auto'
} else {
if (body) body.style.overflowY = 'hidden'
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