Video and Browser system player

My game uses video display.

function CreateVideo(X, Y, Width, Height, IsLoop, VideoName)
var VideoTexture =, 0, VideoName);;

VideoTexture.once('play', () => 
	VideoTexture.setOrigin(0, 0);
	VideoTexture.setPosition(X, Y);
	VideoTexture.setDisplaySize(Width, Height);	

return VideoTexture;


The problem is that the browser’s system player starts to be displayed on the notification panel. How can I solve this?

Doesn’t anyone know?

I still haven’t found a solution to this problem :frowning:

It’s sad that it will never help me. This is the official forum for the Phaser 3 engine, I was hoping for help here… :frowning:

Which browser is it? I doubt Phaser can do much about it.

Yandex browser.
But this also appears in other browsers, including Google Chrome.

Are there other ways to play the video?

Tell me, do you have a video with sound? If so, then you can use a trick.
Delete an audio track from the video. And run the audio as a separate element, in parallel with the video.
A video without an audio track does not create a control in the browser.

Cool idea!
I tried it and it really works! Thank you very much! :slight_smile: