WebGL Optimization Steps and or Canvas Feature Limitations

Hello i’m having a problem with my project as it’s having a large performance hit when run on ios webgl.
i’ve already asked around in discord and getting many good answer like below

Optimization Practices (webgl / phaser)

  1. learn more about batch render call to reduce draw call
  2. using spector js to investigate draw call and frame buffer
  3. using bitmap text for lighter renderring

Development Solution

  1. preparing build that could handle canvas render mode

now what im trying to do is to find out the difference between webgl and canvas and/ or steps
to optimize web gl

below are stuff i know that have partial support within phaser based on it’s render mode

  • tint not supported in canvas
  • bitmap masking not supported in canvas.
  • render pipeline is feature limited to webgl
  • blend mode option in webgl is more limited compared to canvas blend mode
  • 4 corner alpha value is not available in canvas

i would be really grateful if i can get any help to add / correct my knowledege so far :pray:

iOS 15 has introduced a major perfomance drop.
i know the issue comes from safari and it’s fixed for a next patch, but we don’t know when this patch will land: 230749 – REGRESSION (Safari 15): Poor WebGL performance on https://downloads.scirra.com/labs/particles

For real testing of your game i suggest you to try on iOS 14

thank you for adding additional information regarding ios performance drop.

would you mind answering some of my question to give me more clarity.
why does written issue status as resolved fixed
i’ve never used bugzilla and barely understand it’s issue format. and it’s last comment is written in 2021 even though last modified is on 3rd jan.

how can i identify if this issue actually deployed and on which minor version when the update does land ?

I don’t know either, i have a game on the app store, and i desperately need it to land because a lot of my users are experiencing the slow mode fps on iOS 15.