I’m trying to control the movement of my player with “pointer isDown” and I got it work also but not without problems. I’m controlling the player so that if I click somewhere on the right side of the player, it goes to the right and so on. I have a big canvas (3200*3200) because there is a labyrinth and the player sees only small part of the game are at once.
My problem is that when getting the mousepoint eg. “pointer. worldY” it gives not the real world coordinates but the coordinates of the zoomed area. So in the left up corner there is 0,0 but that is not the world coordinate but Phaser is fitting the 3200*3200 coordinates to the zoomed area and I don’t want that because the player’s coordinates are always the real world coordinates. This makes a bit tricky to calculate the angle between player and the pointer. How can I solve this issue.