I am building a game for a few month, only for a fixed known screen size. GameSize(800, 600) and I already spend a lot of time with that problem.
My problem is, that the map and my characters are to small so you can’t see them very well.
So I want to ‘zoom in’ into the actual ingame.
I used this.scale.scaleMode = Phaser.ScaleManager.SHOW_ALL; before on a smaler GameSize.
This ‘zooms in’ everything. But I have a few .pngs and fonts (i will call them overlay)which I dont want to ‘zoom in’ because they will lose resolution then.
So my idea is to put all ingame sprites(mapLayers, charactersprites, itemsprites,…), in a group and scale that group up. So that overlay will not be upscaled.
The ingame has collisions, the overlay has a mouse input.
The camera should be centered over my playerSprite in the ingame.
I read a few things about that and I am not sure if this will work or if there is an easier way. Especially with the collisions and the camera.
Hope you can help me,
Many thanks