Character Animations, flipX, Arcade Body and TRIMMED sprites problem

I have a game with lots of characters (player and enemies), those characters where animated frame-by-frame and exported as png sequences. Then I use TexturePacker to create atlasses for those sprites. For physics Im using Arcade Physics.

Im using setSize and setOffset to align the body with the sprite animation, the problem is that when I flip my character using flipX, flipping occurs from the center of the texture instead of the displayOrigin. In order for my character to be aligned properly with the body (when flipping) I have to export the atlas containing the animation frames without trimming the extra space of each frame, so each animation frame will have the exact width and height, much like a spritesheet. This sucks because that generates textures with tons of empty space that could be trimmed, sometimes I even have to generate multitexture atlases for a single character.

Is anybody else struggling to align complex character animations with Arcade bodies and flipping sprites too? Am I doing something wrong? I remember that a similar workflow used to work in Phaser2 using scaleX = -1. Also Unity allows flipping from the designated pivot point/origin.


TRIMMED ATLAS (1024x1024, half the size!)

Each frame has a custom pivot:

This is the normal animation with flipX = false. The yellow box is the raw frame size, blue box is the arcade body, red dot is the displayOrigin of the sprite:

Same animation but with flipX=true:

In the flipped version, the frame is moving the same way than the unflipped version, the only difference is that the texture is flipped horizontally. That works fine for frames in spritesheets but for atlasses it breaks the flipping entirely.

The only workaround to this is as I mentioned before, to export the frames untrimmed, with the side effect of having a lot of wasted texture space:

Unflipped (flipX=false)

Flipped (flipX=true)

Same problem here - any solution jet?