Draggable chain reaction

Hello, just having fun with this and tweens…
not sure it works the same timing but here is my bet (only create with no update) if it helps:

this.draggable1 = this.add.circle(250, 80, 8, 0xff6699);
this.followers = [];
for(var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
  this.followers.push(this.add.circle(this.draggable1.x, this.draggable1.y + (i+1) * 30, 8, 0xfabc99));
  this.followers[i].i = i;
this.draggable1.setInteractive({ draggable: true })
  .on('drag', function(pointer, dragX, dragY){

      targets: this.scene.followers,
      x: dragX,
      delay: (t) => t * 100,
      duration: 100,
      ease: 'Linear'

      targets: this.scene.followers,
      y: (e) => dragY + (e.i + 1) * 30,
      delay: (t) => t * 100,
      duration: 100,
      ease: 'Linear'

    this.setPosition(dragX, dragY);