Each particle random scale

Hi, I have almost tried everything. How can I make every particle in emitter has any random scale?

  x: { min: 0, max: this.scene.game.GW },
  y: this.scene.game.GH + 100,

  angle: { min: 0, max: 360 },
  scale: {min:0.1,max:0.9},

  frame: { frames: ["cube_1", "cube_2", "cube_3", "cube_4"] },
  alpha: 0.3,
  deathZone: {
    type: "onEnter",
    source: new Phaser.Geom.Rectangle(0, -50, this.scene.game.GW, 50),
  lifespan: 10000, // { min, max }, or { min, max, steps }

  speedY: { min: -200, max: -300 },

  frequency: 1500,
  reserve: 10,
  delay: 2500,

With min,max particles are just getting bigger. I want constant scale.
I have also tried
emitter.onParticleEmit(particle=>particle.scaleX = some scale...,this)

scaleX property changes but size on the screen is the same.

Can anybody help?

Is it possible?

Should work like game objects/particle emitter/create emitter from config 4.

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Thanks, but in my case it is being tweened. I searched the source code of emitter and found

  • // BUG: alpha, rotate, scaleX, scaleY, or tint are eased here if {min, max} is given.
    // Probably this branch should exclude isRandom entirely.*

I think i have old Phaser library version

I have the latest version. So how can I repair this bug?

It should work correctly in v3.24.1, like the example. Double-check the version in your browser console.

Phaser v3.24.1-FB (Canvas | Web Audio)

Try only

  x: { min: 0, max: 1000 },
  y: { min: 0, max: 1000 },
  scale: { min: 0.1, max: 0.9 },
  frame: { frames: ['cube_1', 'cube_2', 'cube_3', 'cube_4'] }

To be sure, I did the npm i phaser again.

Your code creates a “fluctuation” effect, everything is easing

Oddly enough, I will add that when it was
x: {min: 0, max: this.scene.game.GW}, y: this.scene.game.GH + 100,
the particles were not easing on the X axis, and with your code, they do

So what can I do? I thought about setting lifespan for maximum value and set death zone so the scale tweening will be minimal and particles will die in deathzone

I was wrong, it’s not fixed in v3.24.1. :frowning:

You can do

// Workaround for <https://github.com/photonstorm/phaser/issues/3608>
// Phaser <= v3.24.1
emitter.scaleX.onUpdate = emitter.scaleX.defaultUpdate;
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Thanks, it works