How can I reuse Particle Emitter?


How can I reuse a particle Emitter that has maxParticles?

     x: 500,
     y: 500,
     quantity: 1,
     frequency: 75,
     scale: { min: 1, max: 1.5 },
     angle: { min: -110, max: -70},
     speed: { min: 400, max: 700 },
     gravityY: 175,
     lifespan: 8000,
     maxParticles: 30,
     timeScale : 2.75,
     particleClass: AnimatedParticle

Thanks in advance for the answer!

I try to avoid maxParticles :smiley: but I think you do

emitter.alive.length = 0;
emitter.dead.length = 0;