GoKart MP racing game with cell phone as a steering wheel

Hi! I have almost finished my second game called GoKart New Mexico.
The game is fun since you use your cell phone as a steering wheel while watching driving on your computer (laptop).
The game is available here

but you might want to watch instructions video first.

The game is based on three.js and phaser3.js as well as on matter.js for physics which runs on webworker for performance. Communication between is done using peer.js so that it is impossible to notice lag between cell phone input and game response.
The game is multiplayer - either as split screen (up to 4 players on a single screen) or connecting more master computers.
Also, there are some interesting easter eggs in the game.

Being the phaser forum here - let me say - that how phaser3d (one of the monthly packages with examples) suggests fusing three.js rendering with phaser3 did not work correctly for me (there were some issues with transparency). Anyhow - I managed to do three.js renderer draw to html5 canvas and that canvas is then used in phaser3 as a texture for a plane. I know, it is kind of stupid but works quite well (I did not see any drawback in performance).
In a nutshell - three.js by itself is great for 3D graphics but to make a game with it I relied on phaser3 especially for 2D graphics and scenes, sounds etc. I believe it turned out quite well. Anyways - it shows how powerful is the synergy of phaser3 and three.js.

I would really like some feedback before finalizing the game.


Amazing work. But the framerate in the video would be unplayable. Not sure if that is your video capture or actual FPS…
Also, the setup needed seems somewhat convoluted. People just want to click and play…

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Thanks a lot!
Indeed the game is much smoother in reality and my laptop is a bit too weak to record it in real FPS. Obviously it would be impossible to drive like this at that low framerate.
Yes, people are impatient and I might hide the play button until at least one player is connected.
You can check the first two games - Duck Hunt Missouri - they are also the principle unseen so far in gaming - and they are pure Phaser3 products.