Grouping Objects Together -- Container, or Extend?

Hey Guys quick question:

What’s the correct way to bundle objects together, say I want a sprite or an image with a text label on it. When I move the image, I want the label to move with it automatically. I’ve looked into Container, but I can’t figure out how to get a reference to the children back out, say if I wanted to just get the label out of that Container.

I’m wondering if there’s a way to Extend GameObject.Sprite and have other objects present inside the subclass you make.

Could anyone point me in the right direction?

Set the name property of child


then get this child back via

var child = container.getByName(name);

Can you set a Container to be data enabled?

Oh one more question. The pointerdown up etc. events haven’t been firing since I added my tile sprite to acontainer. Is there a way to allow pass through? Sorry for the basic questions I just started Phaser today.