High resolution is not as sharp as possible?

I have a retina Macbook Pro which sets the game resolution to 2, however it always disturbed me how the game even at high resolution doesn’t look as sharp as it can be. I eventually took a screenshot of the game and zoomed in. It appears that my suspicion is correct. For some reason, the pixel art textures appear mushy when analyzing the image pixel by pixel. This creates a noticeable but subtle blur on the display, which doesn’t do justice to the retina screen. Is this a bug? Is this intended behavior?? How can I just make it go precisely sharp? I have the pixelArt setting set to true. Help???

Here, I have the texture opened in the Preview app on Mac, set to roughly the same size as the textures in the Phaser canvas. Preview shows the texture crisp, but the canvas displays it as mushy.

I’m starting to suspect that setting the resolution does not change anything at all. Here’s two images of the canvas running in a resolution of 1, and 2.

I’ve checked the Phaser Labs and it looks like 3.16.1 breaks sharp resolution. This demo:


Displays text as blurry on a Retina display, however running it at 3.15.1 will return the sharp crisp text. Bug?

It is disabled in 3.16.


A fundamental issue with resolution was discovered shortly before the release of Phaser 3.16. I don’t remember the exact details, but the feature was disabled so as not to delay the release even further. You’ll have to wait for a newer version to come out which fixes this.

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