Webkit antialisaing cannot be disabled (3.2x - 3.54)


Back with the antialiasing vs. safari / webkit topic. This code pen sandbox illustrates the issue; using the following config I obtain a blurry image on webkit (Safari and capacitor build deployed on iPhone/Pad).

Side by side check of my project, chrome vs safari at identical render sizes:

new Phaser.Game({
    type: Phaser.AUTO,

    width: 120,
    height: 160,

    scale: {
        autoCenter: Phaser.Scale.CENTER_BOTH,
        mode: Phaser.Scale.ScaleModes.FIT,

    render: {
        pixelArt: true,
        roundPixels: true

    scene: { preload, create }

This seems to have been addressed a while ago given @rich’s comment on 4698 (link).

Am I doing something wrong in the config?

@samme suggested to use type: Phaser.CANVAS as a workaround (forum link). I could live with that on webkit devices even tough it’s a bit sad to sacrifice the perf gain / batterfy friendliness; however a weird BMFont bleed on the device (capacitor / ionic 5 / phaser 3.24) when forcing CANVAS suggests I’m going down the wrong alley with CANVAS:

Rather than using symptomatic fixes (webkit? force canvas + re-create fonts with more padding) I’d rather make sure to use Phaser the way it was intended to be used.

Thanks in advance for your attention,

As I recall Safari will always antialias a scaled WebGL canvas.

The bitmap text bleeding is odd. Make sure the positions are integers, just in case.

Thanks Samme, this helps… Seems Apple is banning the uiwebview so I’m stuck with Canvas. I’ve been using a default 512x512 Atari bmfont from the Phaser examples so far. I’m an Atari ST nut, so it’s the perfect font. Will get a copy of BMGlyph and output a 1:1 font to match screensize. I’ll keep you posted.

Ok, Canvas isn’t able to apply tint, so following this blog post, I quickly updated to 3.2X+ / added a factory function:

factory function

declare global {
  namespace Phaser.GameObjects {
    interface GameObjectFactory {
      canvasBmpText(x: number, y: number, font: string, text?: string | string[], size?: number, align?: integer): AdjustedBitmapText;

export function registerCanvasBmpFactory() {
    function (
      this: Phaser.GameObjects.GameObjectFactory,
      x: number,
      y: number,
      font: string,
      text?: string | string[],
      size?: number,
      align?: integer
    ) {
      const canvasBmpText = new AdjustedBitmapText(this.scene, x, y, font, text, size, align);

      // this.updateList.add(canvasBmpText);

      return canvasBmpText;

This allows to perform calls like so:

Phaser.GameObjects.BitmapText result = scene.add.canvasBmpText(scene.game.renderer.width / 2, offsetY, "atari", "", charWidth);

The class itself

export class AdjustedBitmapText extends Phaser.GameObjects.BitmapText {
  private _cachedTint: number = 0xffffff;
  private _cachedTextCanvas: HTMLCanvasElement = null;
  private _cachedTextCanvasCtx: CanvasRenderingContext2D = null;

  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  public renderCanvas(renderer, src, interpolationPercentage, camera, parentMatrix) {
    var text = src._text;
    var textLength = text.length;

    if (
      Phaser.GameObjects.GameObject.RENDER_MASK !== src.renderFlags ||
      textLength === 0 ||
      (src.cameraFilter > 0 && src.cameraFilter & camera.id)
    ) {

    var textureFrame = src.frame;

    var chars = src.fontData.chars;
    var lineHeight = src.fontData.lineHeight;
    var letterSpacing = src._letterSpacing;

    var xAdvance = 0;
    var yAdvance = 0;

    var charCode = 0;

    var glyph = null;
    var glyphX = 0;
    var glyphY = 0;
    var glyphW = 0;
    var glyphH = 0;

    var x = 0;
    var y = 0;

    var lastGlyph = null;
    var lastCharCode = 0;

    var ctx = renderer.currentContext;
    var image = src.frame.source.image;

    var textureX = textureFrame.cutX;
    var textureY = textureFrame.cutY;

    var scale = src._fontSize / src.fontData.size;

    var align = src._align;
    var currentLine = 0;
    var lineOffsetX = 0;

    //  Update the bounds - skipped internally if not dirty
    var bounds = src.getTextBounds(false);

    var lineData = src._bounds.lines;

    if (align === 1) {
      lineOffsetX = (lineData.longest - lineData.lengths[0]) / 2;
    } else if (align === 2) {
      lineOffsetX = lineData.longest - lineData.lengths[0];

    //  Alpha

    var alpha = camera.alpha * src.alpha;

    if (alpha === 0) {
      //  Nothing to see, so abort early
    } else if (renderer.currentAlpha !== alpha) {
      renderer.currentAlpha = alpha;
      ctx.globalAlpha = alpha;

    //  Blend Mode
    if (renderer.currentBlendMode !== src.blendMode) {
      renderer.currentBlendMode = src.blendMode;
      ctx.globalCompositeOperation = renderer.blendModes[src.blendMode];

    //  Smoothing
    if (renderer.currentScaleMode !== src.scaleMode) {
      renderer.currentScaleMode = src.scaleMode;

    var tx = src.x - camera.scrollX * src.scrollFactorX + src.frame.x;
    var ty = src.y - camera.scrollY * src.scrollFactorY + src.frame.y;

    var roundPixels = camera.roundPixels;

    if (roundPixels) {
      tx |= 0;
      ty |= 0;


    if (parentMatrix !== undefined) {
      var matrix = parentMatrix.matrix;
      ctx.transform(matrix[0], matrix[1], matrix[2], matrix[3], matrix[4], matrix[5]);

    ctx.translate(tx, ty);


    ctx.translate(-src.displayOriginX, -src.displayOriginY);

    ctx.scale(src.scaleX, src.scaleY);

    // tinted text? Check if tint changed or text changed
    var tint = this.tintTopLeft;
    var drawTinted = tint !== 0xffffff;
    var refreshCached = drawTinted && (this._cachedTint !== tint || this["_dirty"]);
    var cachedWidth = bounds.local.width;
    var cachedHeight = bounds.local.height;

    if (refreshCached) {
      if (this._cachedTextCanvas === null) {
        this._cachedTextCanvas = Phaser.Display.Canvas.CanvasPool.create(this, cachedWidth, cachedHeight);
        this._cachedTextCanvasCtx = this._cachedTextCanvas.getContext("2d");

      this._cachedTextCanvasCtx.clearRect(0, 0, cachedWidth, cachedHeight);
      this._cachedTint = tint;

    this["_dirty"] = false;

    // render characters either into game canvas (rendering.currentContext or into temporary canvas
    if (!drawTinted || refreshCached) {
      var targetCtx = ctx;

      // change context if refreshing cached tinted text
      if (refreshCached) {
        var tmpCanvas = Phaser.Display.Canvas.CanvasPool.create(null, cachedWidth, cachedHeight, Phaser.CANVAS, true);
        var tmpCtx = tmpCanvas.getContext("2d") as CanvasRenderingContext2D;
        tmpCtx.clearRect(0, 0, cachedWidth, cachedHeight);

        targetCtx = tmpCtx;

      // draw characters
      for (var i = 0; i < textLength; i++) {
        charCode = text.charCodeAt(i);

        if (charCode === 10) {

          if (align === 1) {
            lineOffsetX = (lineData.longest - lineData.lengths[currentLine]) / 2;
          } else if (align === 2) {
            lineOffsetX = lineData.longest - lineData.lengths[currentLine];

          xAdvance = 0;
          yAdvance += lineHeight;
          lastGlyph = null;


        glyph = chars[charCode];

        if (!glyph) {

        glyphX = textureX + glyph.x;
        glyphY = textureY + glyph.y;

        glyphW = glyph.width;
        glyphH = glyph.height;

        x = glyph.xOffset + xAdvance;
        y = glyph.yOffset + yAdvance;

        if (lastGlyph !== null) {
          var kerningOffset = glyph.kerning[lastCharCode];
          x += kerningOffset !== undefined ? kerningOffset : 0;

        x *= scale;
        y *= scale;

        x += lineOffsetX;

        xAdvance += glyph.xAdvance + letterSpacing;
        lastGlyph = glyph;
        lastCharCode = charCode;

        //  Nothing to render or a space? Then skip to the next glyph
        if (glyphW === 0 || glyphH === 0 || charCode === 32) {

        if (roundPixels) {
          x |= 0;
          y |= 0;


        targetCtx.translate(x, y);

        targetCtx.scale(scale, scale);

        targetCtx.drawImage(image, glyphX, glyphY, glyphW, glyphH, 0, 0, glyphW, glyphH);


      // create cached image and return temporary canvas into pool
      if (refreshCached) {
        var tCan = this._cachedTextCanvas;
        var tCtx = this._cachedTextCanvasCtx;

        // resize canvas?
        if (tCan.width !== cachedWidth || tCan !== cachedHeight) {
          tCan.width = cachedWidth;
          tCan.height = cachedHeight;

        var rgb = (tint >> 16) + (tint & 0xff00) + ((tint & 0xff) << 16);
        var color = "#" + ("00000" + (rgb | 0).toString(16)).substr(-6);

        tCtx.fillStyle = color;
        tCtx.fillRect(0, 0, cachedWidth, cachedHeight);

        tCtx.globalCompositeOperation = "multiply";
        tCtx.drawImage(tmpCanvas, 0, 0, cachedWidth, cachedHeight);

        tCtx.globalCompositeOperation = "destination-atop";
        tCtx.drawImage(tmpCanvas, 0, 0, cachedWidth, cachedHeight);


    // draw tinted image if tinted text
    if (drawTinted) {
      ctx.drawImage(this._cachedTextCanvas, 0, 0, cachedWidth, cachedHeight);


  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  public setTintMate(color: number) {
    this.setTint(color, color, color, color);

  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  public setTint(topLeft?: number, topRight?: number, bottomLeft?: number, bottomRight?: number): this {
    super.setTint(topLeft, topRight, bottomLeft, bottomRight);

    let currentTint = this.tintTopLeft;
    if (currentTint !== 0xffffff && this._cachedTint !== currentTint) {
      this["_dirty"] = true;

    return this;

  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  public preDestroy(): void {
    if (super["preDestroy"]) {

    // console.log("destroying...");

    // remove canvas
    if (this._cachedTextCanvas !== null) {
      this._cachedTextCanvas = null;
      this._cachedTextCanvasCtx = null;

NB Canvas can be forced for webkit browser only, I wrote this and it seems fine safari/capacitor/ios wise:

      type: window && typeof window.webkitConvertPointFromNodeToPage === "function" ? Phaser.CANVAS : Phaser.AUTO,

And here goes the result on the device. Very happy. I re-created the lab’s “atari-classic” font, this time at native resolution (was 512x512, possibly explaining the resize issue / bleeding).

Attached is the 1:1 font size 8 pixel bmp font.

The Blocky Lion looks blocky again. Victory! Thanks all, thanks @samme .
atari-bmp2.zip (5.7 KB)

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I like the artwork.

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