How can i get each particle emitted

I need to get each alive particle, add physics to it then attach a
collision callback to test if the particle is alive and coliiding with
my gameObject.
I have done something like this but its not working


Then when i turn on the debugger, the particles have no body.

Have you tried something like death zone from arcade body?

I have, but it doesn’t seem to be what i want to do. I looked at every
example about particles but none showed how to get a single
emitted particle yet in the API it’s mentioned.

it worked. but now the bodies are displaced from their parent particles
Here is what i have so far.

let gem = this.add.particles('gem').setScale(.1);
    let gemEmitter = gem.createEmitter({

      x: this.scale.width / 0.18,
      y: this.scale.height / .23,
      frequency: 1000,
      quantity: { min: 1, max: 2 },
      alpha: 1,
      tint: 0x00ff00,
      followOffset: {
        x: 0,
        y: 0
      emitCallback: (p)=>{
        if(p.body) return;
        var { width, height, halfWidth, halfHeight } = p.frame;
        p.hasTransformComponent = true;
        p.displayWidth = width;
        p.displayHeight = height;
        p.width = width;
        p.height = height;
        p.displayOriginX = halfHeight;
        p.displayOriginY = halfHeight;
        p.body.moves = false;
      lifespan: 50000,
      speed: { min: 500, max: 1000 },
      maxVelocityX: 200,
      maxVelocityY: 500,
      blendMode: 'ADD'
  this.player = this.physics.add.image(40, 40, 'ply').setOrigin(0).setScale(.08);
  /** Overlap*/
   this.physics.add.overlap(this.player, gemEmitter.alive);

There’s a large body moving randomly on the screen

I think you have to avoid scaling the particle manager.

You could scale the particles if you adjust the width, height, and origin values.