I have three gameobject with same y coordinate and i have to add slider type of features to these game objects . How do i do that ? i studied the tween but could not find any example related to this ? The gap between the object should be the same not random ? I tried with tweens and stuck on this ? am i using the wrong one ?
targets: [ this.img, this.img1, this.img2, ],
x: -(this.gameConfig.width + 100),
duration: 7000,
ease: 'Power1',
// flipX: true,
yoyo: false,
// repeat: -1,
delay: function (i, total, target) {
return i * 1000;
// onStart: function () { console.log('onStart'); console.log(arguments); },
// onComplete: function () { console.log('onComplete'); console.log(arguments); },
// onRepeat: function () { console.log('onRepeat'); console.log(arguments); },