I can't open my projects through wampserver?

I tried using wampserver for phaser. I want to open my projects through it but it doesn’t open

It says, “These are your folders in c:/wamp64/www
To use them as an http link, you must declare them as VirtualHost”

What is the problem?

Hey @Rubek, once you put the game code to the www directory you have to create a Virtual Host. It should be simple, click on Add a Virtual host and go about from there.

Check the method 2 in this post: https://stackoverflow.com/a/43445153.

Thanks!! I did that but now its like this,

I can open the project through ‘Your VirtualHost’ section only. Why not from ‘Your Projects’ section?

VirtualHost is the server that serves our code. The Your Project section is just to tell the WAMP where our project files are located.
So don’t worry that you are not able to access it through that section. You can only access the game from the VirtulHost section.

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Okay thanks!!! Best of luck