Issue with Camera setBounds & follow player

I am creating an “underwater diving game” where the backgrounds are set to repeated tileSprite, and players can swim up with key presses.

I managed to make camera follow my player with:

However, when I try to set bounds for avoiding the display going into “black space”, the outcome is either camera no longer follows the player, or it displays a strange sizing portion between the background and rest of black space.
this.cameras.main.setBounds(0,0, config.width, config.height);

My problem may due to the following misunderstandings:

  • my lack of knowledge in setting up the background properly
  • not specifying bounds in pixel? (I also don’t know how to convert background size to pixel)
  • not understanding the setOrigin() method of backgrounds/sprite

My ultimate goal is to have a long background (width:height = 1:4), and the player can start at any random location within that background while the camera follows the player when it’s swimming up.

Any ideas or suggestions will be appreciated!

What does this look like?

I tried again this morning with the same camera code, and it worked. So it seems like it was the problem with origin setting of the background, and I was placing player outside of the background (so the camera moves with the player hence showing half the image background and half the default black background)


That part is normal, as the camera can’t leave the bounds even while following a target.

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