I basicly have a game in which you go up. I want the UI to go away as you climb, just as it happens with the images/background that i have set in the gameScene.
I guess they have to share the camera or something? How can i make it happen?
Thank you!
Hello @LifeEternal, with phaser-3 you can use multiple scenes on your games. You can see the examples on labs.phaser.io - scenes where you can search for launch scene which is a quite good example like many others.
Please see the examples and you will get atleast an idea about it.
Bdw they do not share the camera
instances. They have their own cameras.
Hi @LifeEternal,
You can use the registry to share data between scenes. The registry have a event named “changedata” very usefull for your purposes.
Look at this example.
Hi @LifeEternal, if you need your UI elements to move as well, instead of setting the UI in another scene, set them in the same scene but with a higher depth than the rest of the game objects, so they are always in front of everything else. For example your background GOs (GameObjects) occupy depths from 0 to 100, your foreground GOs from 200 to 300 and your UI GOs from 1000 and up.
Also you can set the scrollFactor of the UI elements to give them a parallax feel to them as you go up.