Hi guys, I’m new to Phaser and creating tilemaps.
I have created a tilemap using Tiled, and just found out while trying to load the tilemap in Phaser that each layer should be contained in a single tileset image for Phaser 3.8: Phaser.Tilemaps.Tilemap - Phaser 3 API Documentation
The Phaser Tiled Parser does not support the ‘Collection of Images’ feature for a Tileset. You must ensure all of your tiles are contained in a single tileset image file (per layer) and have this ‘embedded’ in the exported Tiled JSON map data.
This is a bummer…as I have spent quite a bit of time creating the tilemap. The current tilemap I have has 4 layers, and some layer have a reference to two or three different tileset pngs.
I’m wondering if there’s a way to still make it work, load the tilemap layer with references to different tilesets in Phaser. From what I can see, there was a way: HTML5 Game Devs Forum - HTML5GameDevs.com, but this mentioned using dynamic layers, and I see that this is already removed in Phaser 3.8
Or if there isn’t, and after merging the tilesets for each layer into one, a quick way to map the tile(s) from the old tileset to the the merged one?
Would greatly appreciate any help!