Hi there. I have a player object with some ui elements on the player to show the aiming. Im using a gamepad for input. It is in the style of a top down shooter.
The stick input is assigned to velocity, and the angle from the body is assigned to the blue pointer. The blue pointer can point in a direction, but once the left stick is released, the angle of the body resets to 0, and the blue pointer resets its position based on the bodys angle. 0 has the blue pointer pointing in the right direction.
I want the blue pointer to retain its position even after the left stick is released.
I’m having trouble trying to find a solution. Im guessing there maybe better ways to implement this. Any help or suggestions will be very much appreciated.
import { Entity } from "./Entity";
import { PlayerIdleState } from '../states/state-types/PlayerIdleState.js';
import { StateMachine } from '../states/StateMachine.js';
import { PlayerAttackState } from "../states/state-types/PlayerAttackState";
export class Player extends Entity {
constructor(scene, x, y, texture) {
super(scene, x, y, texture)
this.scene = scene
this.body.setSize(13, 10)
this.playerStateMachine = new StateMachine('idle', {
idle: new PlayerIdleState(),
attack: new PlayerAttackState()
}, [this, scene])
this.text = this.scene.add.text(20, 20, "")
this.isMoving = true
this.body.setDrag(300, 300);
this.body.setMaxVelocity(110, 110);
this.graphics = this.scene.add.graphics({ fillStyle: { color: 0x2266aa } });
this.circle = new Phaser.Geom.Ellipse(0, 0, 40, 40);
this.setOffset(20, 19)
update() {
this.graphics.lineStyle(2, 0x00aaaa);
this.circle.x = this.body.x
this.circle.y = this.body.y
// stick axes
this.pad = this.scene.input.gamepad.getPad(0);
if (this.isMoving) {
if (this.pad) {
if (this.pad.axes.length) {
var axisH = this.pad.axes[0].getValue();
var axisV = this.pad.axes[1].getValue();
let circumferencePoint = Phaser.Geom.Ellipse.CircumferencePoint(this.circle, this.body.angle);
this.graphics.fillPointShape(circumferencePoint, 10);
this.body.velocity.x += 9 * axisH;
this.body.velocity.y += 9 * axisV;