I have this spritesheet, a white point and a black point:
(The white point is not visible on the white background)
I load it like this:
this.load.spritesheet('effects', 'effects.png', { frameWidth: 8, frameHeight: 8 });
And then I use it for particles:
let particles = getScene().add.particles('effects', 1);
I want to select the black point. The black point is second in the image. However, this code does select the white point.
If I change the 1 for a 2, I get an error in the console:
Texture.frame missing: 2
Makes sense. The emitted particles are solid white now (not my white point). If I change the frame to 0, there is no error but I get the same solid white.
What is going on here?
How can I make particles use the black point?