Phaser 3.85 resizing issue

The case: I am creating games intended to run on pc and mobile devices and require the game to scale correctly and to get the correct responsive behavior I am using
scale: {
mode: Phaser.Scale.ENVELOP,
autoCenter: Phaser.Scale.CENTER_BOTH,
on my config
and getting the changes in viewport through an anchor using rexrainbow’s anchor plugin onUpdateViewport.

In 3.80 i had my onresize method and rearranged objects on the screen accordingly. When i updated in 3.85 the following behavior was observed(3.86 and 3.87 have the same issue):

When the game is loaded on the first load it works correctly as its supposed to be. When i turn a mobile device from portrait to landscape or vice versa the update viewport method of the anchor but also the getViewport from phaser after resize show the old viewport bounds. if i turn it from landscape to landscape or exit fullscreen or reenter fullscreen it updates correctly. On pc it works perfectly. Whenever i resize my window everything works as before. On mobile something happens with the orientation change and the resize doesnt want to aknowledge the correct viewport changes.

I didnt find anything in the changelog regarding this. I wonder what would be the problem.

Thanks in advance

Edit: I found the solution if anyone wants to give a look into this. I listened at orientation change and used scale.refresh(). After looking into it I believe the change to look into landscape primary and secondary and portrait primary etc on 3.85 broke the equivalence check on the old orientation change making the scale not refresh but I may be wrong.