Phaser 3 ES6 Multiplayer Game

I’m trying to make a multiplayer game with phaser.

I want to write the server in Node - The server will serve the public game files (using express), and handle communciation between all users (using

I’m able to do this with no issues:

  • There’s server.js which is the server
  • And there’s /public which is all of the public files.

Where I’m running into issues is - I would really like to write my phaser game in es6. I’m not sure how to configure this fullstack setup to both run the server, and transpile /dist folder within /public.

Any help would be really appreciated. I’ve been googling for hours, and all that I can seem to find is information about how to set up a phaser project with es6 - and nothing about the networking aspect I am looking for.

Take a look at these repos

Hope these will help you :slight_smile:

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