[Phaser 3] Making an In-Game Tutorial

Hey all, I was wondering if there were any tutorials available for creating tutorials inside a game? Searching the keyword ‘Tutorial’ doesn’t provide many results besides tutorials for making games using Phaser… ¯_(ツ)_/¯

I’m trying to make a small game with an option to enter a quick tutorial, where new players can learn the basics of how to play the game, complete with tips and perhaps something like weak enemies spawning until the player is able to kill one themselves. I’m new to the world of JavaScript and Phaser, so I desperately need a nudge in the right direction to give me an idea of what to do for this.

Any guidance would be greatly appreciated :))

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If you already have the normal game play set up, you are well on your way. Just make a new scene that you enter into either the first time playing or just by clicking a button on the menu and create a miniature version of the game play you want people to know. If your game is real time, then just pause where you need to add instructions and continue after that. I don’t think you need a tutorial for that, if you already went through tutorials on how to make games, you just need to script out what you want the player to know and create a game around that script. An example would be simply start with the player standing there in their idle position, instructions display on screen to walk forward pushing a button, player pushes button, walks forward, instructions disappear, new instructions enter on screen… etc…


Awesome, I’ll try it out. I haven’t quite started working on the actual game itself yet, only just got a start on the main menu, title screen etc. so that might be why I’m so intimidated by the idea of creating a tutorial. Thanks!

I do all my instructions after the game. It isn’t hard to add scenes after the fact. Work on your game, then worry about on-boarding. You might make the tutorial then when you work on your game find yourself adding all sorts of things you never thought would be in there.