[Phaser 3] Starvail - Roguelike post-digital-apocalypse shooter

We are a group who made a game at university with Phaser 3.

It would be great if you can give it a try !

It is on itch.io: https://kilonovastudios.itch.io/starvail

Thanks you !


The game looks gorgeous and works smoothly. The loading time could be reduced and also there are lot of dialogues. Other than that it’s a great game.

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Great game.

Syntax error in Safari, didn’t run at all.

Well done! Tried using Firefox and Chrome running linux and both worked great.

I too felt that there was too much dialogue, at least in the beginning. Not too much as too often, but too much as the amount said during each sequence.

There are some behavior that does not take delta into account, like explosions and object movement from drops or when player runs out of energy. You can simulate a monitor with higher Hz than 60 by launching Chrome with “-disable-frame-rate-limit --disable-gpu-vsync” as launch options.