Phaser Vue Severe Performance Issue

Hello everyone,

I’m pretty new to Phaser development and want to create a small jump and run game which is supposed to be integrated in our VueJS webapp.
After getting everything up and running and also including a few game elements, I am now facing SEVERE performance issues. I must have done something wrong but just have no clue what it could be.

First of all: Vue Component
I created a Vue Component in which I integrate the game. That works pretty well by now.

Preloader Scene:
I use this to preload assets from my folder and to create some animations.

Everything is supposed to happen here. Basically I have a hero which runs around and fights some monsters. The landscape in the background is a little more complex, as it consists of multiple layers and depends on the user data, so I cannot use a static background.
I did not add any game logic yet, except for moving the hero.

When starting the game my browser uses between 1.5 - 3.5GB working memory, sometimes even 7GB. Seems like it is worse in Firefox than in Chrome.

First I thought it was because of the background images, so I tried to put them in a RenderTexture or even remove them from the scene. No relevant improvement.

After reading quite some posts about phaser and the performance, I also removed my hero from the scene (even if checking input and moving the hero accordingly should not be that bad…) and changed my game config. Right now I’m running a scene with just one static background image and nothing inside the update method - working memory is up to 3.3 GB.

My adjusted game config looks like this:

export default {
width: 960,
height: 540,
type: Phaser.AUTO,
parent: ‘gameframe’,
backgroundColor: ‘#b5ecf9’,
physics: {
default: ‘arcade’,
arcade: {
gravity: {
y: 400
debug: true
fps: {
target: 30,
min: 15,
forceSetTimeOut: true
scene: [Preloader, GameScene]

I’m seriously running out of ideas and as I am not experienced with Phaser yet, can anybody help?! Would be highly appreciated.

Thanks a lot!