Have a problem which I need some help with.
Please view problem line of code at below URL link.
Let me know how to fix it, thanks!
Jesse Lee
Have a problem which I need some help with.
Please view problem line of code at below URL link.
Let me know how to fix it, thanks!
Jesse Lee
It’s telling you this.physics
is undefined on that line.
Add console.log(this)
before that. Either this
isn’t a scene or it’s a scene without physics
, maybe if you forgot to enable the Arcade Physics plugin.
Tried that, got the following output in browser console:
initializeadd: initialize {scene: initialize, systems: initialize, events: initialize, displayList: initialize, updateList: initialize}anims: initialize {_events: s, _eventsCount: 3, game: initialize, textureManager: initialize, globalTimeScale: 1, …}cache: initialize {game: initialize, binary: initialize, bitmapFont: initialize, json: initialize, physics: initialize, …}cameras: initialize {scene: initialize, systems: initialize, roundPixels: false, cameras: Array(1), main: initialize, …}children: initialize {parent: initialize, list: Array(1035), position: 0, addCallback: ƒ, removeCallback: ƒ, …}create: ƒ create()data: initialize {parent: initialize, events: initialize, list: {…}, values: {…}, _frozen: false, …}events: initialize {_events: s, _eventsCount: 11}game: initialize {config: initialize, renderer: initialize, domContainer: null, canvas: canvas, context: WebGLRenderingContext, …}input: initialize {_events: s, _eventsCount: 0, scene: initialize, systems: initialize, settings: {…}, …}lights: initialize {scene: initialize, systems: initialize, lights: Array(0), ambientColor: initialize, active: false, …}load: initialize {_events: s, _eventsCount: 3, scene: initialize, systems: initialize, cacheManager: initialize, …}make: initialize {scene: initialize, systems: initialize, events: initialize, displayList: initialize, updateList: initialize}physics: initialize {scene: initialize, systems: initialize, config: {…}, world: initialize, add: initialize}plugins: initialize {_events: s, _eventsCount: 0, game: initialize, plugins: Array(0), scenePlugins: Array(0), …}preload: ƒ preload()registry: initialize {parent: initialize, events: o, list: {…}, values: {…}, _frozen: false}renderer: initialize {_events: s, _eventsCount: 4, config: {…}, game: initialize, type: 2, …}scale: initialize {_events: s, _eventsCount: 1, game: initialize, canvasBounds: initialize, parent: body, …}scene: initialize {scene: initialize, systems: initialize, settings: {…}, key: 'default', manager: initialize, …}sound: initialize {context: AudioContext, masterMuteNode: GainNode, masterVolumeNode: GainNode, destination: GainNode, locked: false, …}sys: initialize {scene: initialize, config: {…}, settings: {…}, game: initialize, sceneUpdate: ƒ, …}textures: initialize {_events: s, _eventsCount: 0, game: initialize, name: 'TextureManager', list: {…}, …}time: initialize {scene: initialize, systems: initialize, now: 8733, timeScale: 1, paused: false, …}tweens: initialize {scene: initialize, systems: initialize, timeScale: 1, _add: Array(0), _pending: Array(0), …}update: ƒ update()[[Prototype]]: Object
Little lost here…
Jesse Lee
It looks like that object has physics
, but it’s hard to tell.
Did you call this function as
? What was the last change you made before the error happened?
Sorry, been awake 24+ hours… I need to sleep now and come back later with a fresh perspective.
I’ll revisit this when I wake up - thanks for your continued help and support!
Ok, that is fixed… have something new now, will make a new forum post